I’ve finally decided to work on this website again. It was one of my New Years resolutions, and I really want to follow through with all of them.
(I’ve actually knocked off a fair amount of them already which I’m pretty stoked about.)
I am a total believer in terror management theory, so to ensure I have some kind of legacy that remains long after I’m gone (and in turn boost my self-esteem to the stars), I’m going to make this website basically a log of my life.
I’ll just write about whatever I’m thinking about or working on at the time, post photo albums, document my health and measure my fitness levels, link to dumb YouTube videos I think are funny… basically make this site an open diary of sorts.
I’m still trying to plan out exactly how I’m going to organize all the different content, but it should be kinda cool and (maybe) technically sophisticated. I’ll be able to look back over the years and see what I was up to at different times in my life.
I don’t know how productive this will be in terms of return of investment, but I figure I’ll at least get some more practice with WordPress and it’ll be something I can always look back on. If I start writing about one topic in particular a lot, then maybe I’ll branch off and start a new website devoted to that subject and try to monetize it, but that’ll be a little ways off.
But yeah… just making this post to kinda get the ball rolling. I’m hoping to get everything set up within a week.